Midnight Princess Read online

Page 3

  “Why is what I do with my free time any of your business?” I snap and immediately wish I hadn’t. I don’t know why, but I feel like there’s some setup coming, especially considering her brother is staring harder now than he was before. What is it with my mouth and the Prestons?

  “Oh, shit! Okay. Now, I really want you to come out with me,” she says with a laugh. After I don’t answer her and just stare, waiting for the other shoe to drop, she stops laughing. “Oh, c’mon. It’ll be fun. I promise.”

  There’s nothing I would want more than to have fun for once. I never really made friends during high school, except one, because I was so awkward … and my bestie is gone. Not only that, but I was constantly working and caring for my sisters. My sisters. I can’t go anywhere.

  “I can’t. No one will be able to watch my sisters,” I whisper.

  “You’re kidding, right? Isn’t one of your sisters like thirteen? Why can’t she watch the other one?”

  Although she’s right, these people have absolutely no idea about the dynamics of my damaged family. I would feel like shit, as if I were abandoning them. I would never forgive myself if my mother treated them as she did me … and still does. I’m always around to be the buffer or rather the punching bag. If I weren’t around, that burden would fall on Penelope. And I just can’t have it.

  The only way this will work is if I’m home before the bars close. My mother is never home before then. But do I really want to leave a thirteen-year-old at home alone and responsible for our little ten-year-old sister?

  “No, I—”

  “How about I have someone watch them tonight?”

  Clearly, she’s crazy and clueless. Someone like who? I do not need some stranger in my home, watching my sisters. Obviously, the expression on my face gives my apprehension away.

  “Yes, she’s a stranger to you, but not to me. My parents are away, so you can bring them to my house. Our house manager will care for them. She’s awesome.” Ashley smiles widely.

  I’m still in shock that she’s inviting me out; now she wants me to come to her house … and bring my sisters. My thoughts immediately fall to Ashton, who I can still see staring at us through the corner of my eye. He may not like me being in his home. But do I really care? I’d rather have just a little bit of fun for once. Besides, my sisters will love being in a mansion.

  I look up to see Ashley smiling, nodding her head as if she already knows I’m accepting her offer. “Okay.”

  “Great!” She hops up quickly. “I’ll text you the address.”

  Wait, how does she have my number? I turn swiftly on the couch to give it to her and see her telling her brother what seems to be good news to him. A smile appears on his face that seems quite devious to me. I want to believe he’s grown up since our one and only sophomore conversation, but that’s hard to believe considering what I overheard him and Lance talking about earlier. Instead of me pondering what possible agenda Ashley and her brother have come up with to torture me, I decide to give them a chance. So, I approach them on the way to class, tapping her on the shoulder to grab her attention.

  She quickly turns as Ashton eyes me like some piece of meat … or maybe disgust.

  This is a bad idea.

  “Don’t tell me you changed your mind already,” Ashley whines.

  I smile. “No, I just wanted to make sure you had my number.”

  “Don’t you know who they are? Of course, they have your number,” Lance adds his two cents without being asked.

  Ashley elbows him, making him wince in pain. “Check your phone.”

  I pull my phone from my back pocket and open it to a message with an address and time from an unrecognizable phone number. That’s just creepy. “Okay…”

  “See ya later.” She waves as she jogs down the hall, which may not be a good idea since her boobs can pop out of that shirt.

  I follow in the same direction when I notice Ashton eyeing me, blocking my way.

  “Have fun tonight,” he whispers, making my cheeks turn crimson.

  All I can do is stand there frozen, admiring his muscular, tall stature, which now towers over me. I involuntarily lick my lips, imagining his strong arms grasping at me. An experience I’ve only been able to imagine. My eyes roam back up to his as he smiles, no doubt knowing exactly what is on my mind.

  Dammit, Cyndie. Play it cool.

  I smile, giving him one last glance and walk by him, slightly swiping his arm with mine. Was he just flirting with me? Maybe I’ve been reading his looks all wrong this entire time.


  Nice Moves


  The entire day I could barely focus. This just isn’t me. I’m not used to letting a girl get to me like this. It’s usually the other way around. The way I like it. With me in control, and her hanging on my every word … maybe hanging on other things. But something about her eyes has always captivated me. They’re so piercing; sometimes, I feel like she can see right through me. Right past my bullshit exterior, and right down to the raw meaningless soul that hides in my own darkness. Darkness that bears the Preston name, and I try my damnedest to suppress. Darkness, even I sometimes wish I never witnessed or was a part of. That’s a piece of me I hope she never sees, especially during the occasions when I need to remind people who I am.

  Regardless, I’m not going to go another year without having her in my arms, in my bed, feeling every bit of her. At least now, I know she doesn’t think I’m a complete jerk. From the look she gave me earlier, I can tell she wants me just as much as I need to be inside her. Seeing her lick her lips like that almost caused me to put on a show. But she’ll get a show soon enough.

  Back at home, I run upstairs, somewhat pleased my parents will be gone the next few weeks. I like coming home to peace and not worrying about my father breathing down my neck, pointing out everything I’m doing wrong in his eyes. He’d lose his shit if he knew I was pining for a girl that is beneath us in his mind. But it doesn’t matter; he’ll have to get over it. Once I have her, she won’t be going anywhere. It may not be tonight, but it will definitely be soon. She’s the only woman I’ve ever met that makes me want to be better. Do better.

  I throw my bookbag on the bed, rushing to jump in the shower and get ready for my Friday night out. My nerves are even more erratic, knowing Cynthia will be there. Even though these events are for charity and always held at secret locations, the thought of her watching me so intimately excites me. So much so, I think about stroking my dick in the shower but decide against it, saving all my energy for when I have her in every way possible.

  As I gather my necessities in my bag, I spot the papers I copied earlier, sliding out from the opening of my bookbag. I plop on my bed and go through them. The first page is all about the Rose family and their history. Not really sure why my father needs this, but I read through it anyway. I recognize their upscale address right away, knowing it used to be the home of one of my father’s clients. They moved here recently from Washington State. Then I get to the information pertaining to their visit.

  What my father is good at. Missing persons. It’s hard to believe they’ve gone so long not knowing, having no closure. I just hope my father doesn’t find a body this time. I’ve never experienced anything worse than telling someone their son is dead. Something I’ve had to witness three times too many in the past few years alone. The light dissipates from their eyes as their skin becomes ghostly white. Seeing that at seventeen isn’t something I will ever forget.

  I can’t say this situation will be any different. However, at the time of her abduction, she was just a baby. People don’t usually steal babies to kill them. At least I hope not. I study the info about the child as thoroughly as possible until a knock at my door interrupts me.

  “What?” I snap, knowing it’s either my sister or Lance. Either way, it’s annoying.

  “Your girl is here.” My sister peers her head in as I check the time, not realizing I’ve been studying this dossier for over an hour.

  I jump up from my bed, ready to greet our guests, but my sister forces her way in, pushing me back.

  “Seriously?” I ask, wondering why she’s playing around.

  “Cynthia is not ready yet. I made her change her clothes.”

  I study what my sister considers clothes in disapproval. “Please tell me you didn’t pick out something like that for her.” I don’t know what is with my sister and mini skirts. She must want the attention she claims she doesn’t.

  “And what’s wrong with what I’m wearing, little brother?” she pokes.

  “You’re only a few minutes older than me.” I plop on the bed, putting my sneakers on and gathering my things. “Sis, I’m not trying to fuck somebody up tonight for getting handsy with her.”

  “Oohhh, somebody’s quite the possessive non-boyfriend.” She giggles, leaning on the bed to grab the papers I was looking at.

  “Would you mind your business?” I snatch them from her hand and place them neatly in my desk drawer.

  “Jeez, fine. I need to go help my new sister-in-law.” She giggles, closing the door before I can say something snappy back.

  Sister-in-law. I kind of like the sound of that. I never really thought I would want to deal with the title. Not because I won’t marry, but I don’t want to subject anyone to this family and our twisted past, which sometimes trickles into our present.

  Just as I pick up my bag to walk out, my phone buzzes. I don’t even bother looking; it’s Lance letting me know he’s here to get me. I grab the tequila I hide in my desk and throw it in my bag before heading downstairs. I’m sure I’ll need a little liquid courage for this event tonight. As I walk downstairs, I hear an unfamiliar sound that doesn’t usually happen within the walls of this large house.

  Once I make it down the spiral staircase that leads into the foyer, I follow the sounds of laughter to the living room. Two young girls play a dance video game with my house manager, Doris.

  Funny. I’ve never seen Doris laugh like this, let alone dance. But then again, no one laughs or has a good time when my father is around. He’s a tyrant.

  “Nice moves!” I yell out, getting their attention, as I run to join them. We all start dancing, trying to keep up with the dancers on the screen. We’re so involved with it, none of us noticed my sister and Cynthia had come down to watch us.

  But once I do notice Cynthia, I stop dead in my tracks. I catch her eyes briefly as she swings her long blonde hair from in front of her face. It’s like everything is moving in slow motion while her well-defined hips sway in the skimpiest fucking red dress I’ve ever seen. I don’t know whether I should be pissed or turned on. I should be upset, considering her dress is so short and tight that if she bends over, she will be on display.

  She’ll be a goddamn target in that thing. And that’s mine—no one else’s. But I can’t say anything. I have to let her wear what she wants … for now. I shoot daggers at my sister, who is covering her mouth in an effort to muffle her amusement at my jealousy.

  She did that shit on purpose.

  “Cyndie, you look so pretty.” One of the little girls runs from behind me over to Cynthia, and the other isn’t far behind.

  “Thanks. Now, I want you two to behave and do whatever Ms. Doris says,” Cynthia says to the girls. They both nod as Cyn kisses their foreheads. She watches them run back over to the game, then eyes me closely. “Nice moves.” She smiles as she and my sister turn to leave the house.

  Of course my eyes go straight to her ass, and all I want is to drag her up to my room. Maybe after tonight, she will let me. I follow close behind them, trying to maneuver my now hardened dick through my pants, watching Cynthia effortlessly glide toward the door in those fucking heels, like she’s walking a catwalk. I know she’s trying to entice me, and that shit is definitely working.

  As they approach my sister’s car, I almost forget my manners as her ass distracted me, but Lance subtly flails his arms to grab my attention, bringing me back to reality.

  I quickly stride past Cyn just as she approaches the passenger side of my sister’s new blue Mustang Shelby, yet another thing for them to stand out in. “Don’t have too much fun tonight.” I smile, holding the door open.

  She giggles, the sound making my dick twitch. I plan to have other sounds come out of that mouth very soon. She thinks my comment is a joke, but I’m very serious.

  “Thank you, Ashton,” she whispers, swiping my hand that’s holding the door open and sending chills through my entire body.

  That one touch seals her fate. My sister has to convince her to spend the night. Although she doesn’t seem to be the type to fuck me without at least one meal together, I need to make my intentions known.

  I watch them pull off before getting into Lance’s Maserati. He stares at me, no doubt trying to hold back his laughter. He never understood why I didn’t go after her, but he should. His family is just like mine. They control everything. That control will always include who we decide to let into our family. My father has always said, there’s a difference between the women you fuck and the women you marry.

  The woman I decide to marry will have to be of a certain status. And that’s not Cynthia. She comes from a single-parent home—if her mother can be called a parent—they have no money, no power. Therefore, live modestly. I’m sure these are all things Cynthia has no idea I know, but she’ll be surprised just how much I’ve learned.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” I say, pulling out my phone to text my sister.

  “I’m not gonna lie; she looked pretty hot just now.” He chuckles but immediately stops once he sees my enraged glare. “You need to calm the fuck down. You’re nuts if you don’t think guys will be all over her. It’s ladies’ night.”

  Fuck my life.

  “I know,” I growl. “She can have tonight. But that’s fuckin’ it.”

  “Yo, what the hell is wrong with you? You better loosen up, Ash, or you’ll scare her. Shit, you’re scaring me. I’ve never seen you so wound up before.”

  “You know why I am.” I chuckle, checking to see if my sister responded to me. Nothing.

  “Who the fuck told you it was a good idea to stay away from other women this year?” he roars.

  “You just don’t get it.” I shake my head, not wanting to continue this conversation. Lance has always been a womanizer. I may have been one too. I mean, I get it. Sex is easy to come by for us. But I’m just tired of it now. I’m still young, but I’ve been with more women than I can count. I’m over it.

  He takes a deep breath. “You don’t love her, do you? You don’t even know her.”

  “Sometimes you just know, Lance. Can we not talk about this?” I ask, checking my phone again.

  Ashley: I’ll work on it.

  I’m suddenly at ease with the possibility of having a conversation with the woman I plan to marry.


  Feel It


  I’m not sure if I was more turned on by Ashton’s dance moves or the fact that my sisters were having so much fun with him. I’ve never seen him so at ease. He usually looks as if the world is on his shoulders, which seems a bit dramatic now that I’ve seen where he lives. He’s wealthier than I initially realized. I barely wanted to touch anything, and I really didn’t want to leave my sisters there without my supervision. But Ashley just wasn’t having it. I’m really not sure why she was so focused on getting me out tonight.

  At this point, it doesn’t matter, because I need this. Whatever this may be. I’m not even going to rush home because I’m sure my mother will be so drunk, she won’t even notice we’re not there as long as I’m home before she wakes up for breakfast, which will really be lunch.

  “Do you like my brother?” Ashley asks out of nowhere.

  “Ummm-huh? I dunno, well, he seems okay,” I stammer, not knowing how to answer that question, possibly because I don’t even know the answer myself.

  She giggles. “C’mon. I see the way you look at him.”

/>   Oh, great. If she notices, there’s no way he doesn’t. Besides, I may like how he looks and I may have been checking him out tonight, but there’s no way I’m going to become just another notch on his belt.

  “Listen, Ashton likes you. I need to know where your head is at.” She glances at me quickly. “I won’t be happy if his feelings are hurt.”

  His feelings? From what I’ve heard, Preston men don’t have feelings. Wait! Did she just say he likes me? No, he doesn’t. He can’t possibly. I’m certain he would’ve made a move by now. Or has he been all along? I don’t know. I’ve never been hit on before. No one wants me. My whole life is a wreck. So, why would he be any different? They’re running some game on me, I know it. I’ll just have to play along until I figure it out.

  “I don’t know how I feel. I don’t have time for relationships. But, I don’t play around with people’s feelings. That’s for sure,” I admit.

  She smiles, accepting my answer as she pulls up to a large iron gate, stopping at the protruding intercom before pulling down her window.

  “Code,” a voice says through it.

  “Preston twin two,” she says, then pulls her window back up.

  She drives uphill, through a winding dark road so quickly, I assume she’s been here many times. As we approach a semi-lit path, we come to a stop behind a line of cars waiting to reach the front of a very large mansion that sits on at least two acres.

  In front of us, ladies get out of their cars. I see why Ashley insisted on me changing my clothes and putting my hair down. These women are dressed to impress, wearing expensive clothes, which immediately makes me feel like I don’t belong.

  Once we reach the entrance of the home, a valet opens my door and helps me step out of the car. I’ve never been so nervous about being around people in my life. I immediately put my head down as my insecurities take hold.

  “No!” Ashley grabs my hand. “Put your head back up. You’re beautiful and hot. Now own it.” She stands there, waiting for me to acknowledge my worth before leading me into the large house.